Saturday, October 2, 2010

Its Hip to be Square

That title was supposed to reference the fact that Ive been working on a bunch of square pictures...but when I went back and looked at them, I realized most of them are rectangular anyway, so its a little silly.

But regardless of that, now that its truly, totally fall, here's a few photos from the end of the summer in Ann Arbor.
They include all sorts of various random things Ive done.

I went to the Saline Celtic Festival...

This guy was awesome.

Some guys sure can rock a kilt and drum.

But I mean that in a totally platonic, I-wish-he-was-my-uncle kind of way.

Man...he looks grumpy at me.

But I think he's just mad because he's wearing a skirt..
Also he has really big lips.

Which probably also makes him crabby...

I liked the texture of the screen on the petals of the sunflower...

I think Beardy Man always wonders why I bring home flowers.

"what does she do with these?" he must think.

"does she eat them?"

"Does she use them for cooking?"

"I don't understand whats going on here..."

I made biscuits with flour...its kind of the same.

Also my mom came to visit.
It was grrr-ate.
We went to the Arb.
I taught her how to take macro pictures of flowers, which, as I'm well aware, is 95% of what I take pictures of.

I like this one...

We moved again.
This is where we live now.
Its not an awesome church, in fact, its rather crummy. Its also not a church, or anything special. In fact, its a duplex built in the 1950's. Not in a cool way.
But A2 is super expensive, so we'll take what we can get.

Farmer's Market flowers in bloom.

Farmer's Market weirdos in bloom.
Yes, those are man's legs.
Yes, those boots were in fact pink.
And had spurs.

Also with our new apartment comes lots and lots of construction, since they are totally tearing up the street outside. At 7am everyday.
Its lovely.

This thing was huuuuuuuge...

I lurvs texture...hurr hurr...

There is actually a website devoted to people who love road cones.
You can even adopt one.

Not on the subject of construction, I made more pie.
Of course.
Peach pie this time...
look at this here big ol pile o peaches!
Nom nom nom....

Not the best picture because it was taken indoors.
But it was tasty....

And I guess that's it for today.
I've got more pictures lined up so I wont even try to be all witty and clever today.
Id fail anyway.

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