Anyway, sorry kids. I haven't been doing a whole lot lately so Ive been waiting to accumulate stuff to share with you. What kind of a blogger would I be if all I had to say was "made eggs today", "dissected shrimp", "windy today" etc. A boring one, that's what I have to say.
So anyway, it was mother-loving COLD for a few days a couple weeks ago.
I'm a super wimp about cold, so I complained bitterly to myself.
Since no one else would listen, because they all speak Chinese.
I also experienced this.
If it looks like nothing, that's because it is.
Its crazy fog.
There's supposed to be a building out there, rather close, in fact.
Cant see it at all.

More frog. ooooo...ribbit, ribbit!

Weekly cooking class.
There's funky light in that kitchen.
I cant tell if the photos are always too warm or too cold.

Its high time I put up a picture of Alice, our lovely cooking teacher.
She's my age, which is cute.
She's very nice, and puts up with our awkwardness rather well.

Garlic shoots. NOMS.

This is her little dog, Ji Dan.
He's kinda cute, for a dog the size of a loaf of bread.
Ji Dan means "chicken egg". heeheehehe

Took hazy apartment pictures.
I love these....its like a beehive, all those people stuffed in there.

Right after I took this, the donkey's owner came out and started trying to get me to pay him for taking the picture. I smiled and shrugged and batted my eyelashes and acted like a colossal idiot and it worked! He smiled and shrugged and said ok and I ran away and laughed.

The Snaggle-Toothed Ugly Dog is back!
I'm sure he has a beautiful personality.

More market pics. (can you see a trend here?)
(I can)
These slimy brown blocks are fermented blocks of pigs blood.
Don't get me wrong, the food here is fantastic.
Ive eaten amazing, delicious stuff.
But there's also some things I'd rather not experience.
Fermented Blood Blocks are one.

Some other things that happened:
Pop jerry-rigged our broken rice cooker with a clove of garlic.
He seemed exasperated when I took a photo and cackled.

I went to Ikea (again).
I sat in the display and took a Chinese-style picture, just to see what it was like.
It was pretty much what you'd expect.
And the book was blank.

I made soup.
The light above our kitchen stove is burnt out, and we don't know what the hell kind of weirdo lightbulb it takes to replace it, so we don't have light. I strongly desire to see my soup while I'm cooking it, thank you very much. Good thing I brought a headlamp! So I can cook soup!

If you don't like dogs, leave now.
I also went to a Chinese dog show with Alice, our cooking teacher, and her boyfriend.
She has the little dog mentioned above, and he has a border collie- we've talked a few times about how I really want to get a dog, and she invited me to tag alone to this thing.
Of course, the first thing I see when I get there is THIS:
(don't worry about the cage, its big and open top and not the point)

Here's their border collie, who was not interested in me but won an award for doing some tricks.

I don't want to post pictures of the dogs being judged, because they all suck. Instead, here's some canine beasties for your viewing enjoyment. p.s. dogs are hard to take pictures of since they don't want to hold still for something that isn't bacon.
There was this beautiful bear dog...they wouldn't let me throw myself at it and cuddle its soft fluffy fur because it was freshly groomed, but I guess that's ok.

This was the biggest dog I have EVER seen. BEAR DOG!

Food? Food? Food? OMG? Food?

There were ugly dogs dressed up like no self-respecting dog should be.
I'm sorry baby.

There were show dogs dressed up like no self-respecting dog should be.
I'm sorry, darlin'.

This guy was really goofy, all dressed in red, with a red faux-hawk, walking around with a Schnauzer on his shoulder smoking a pipe. ooooo-kay.

And then there was this.
And my little heart just exploded on the spot.

And this. Puppy Loaf!

Here's the Puppy Loaf from a different perspective.

I still squeal like a little girl and have to run away when I see this picture.
The only reason I didn't grab this dog and run away was that I had been forbidden to bring home a dog on pain of death, homelessness, and refusal to sign for any more student loans.
Only sort of joking...

So that's been about it, folks. Cooking, cold weather, and lots of dog monsters.
Halloween came and went, I didnt embarass myself too much but there are no photos cause party pictures always suck unless you were there. I hope you all woke up with splitting headaches the next day (you know who you are). Just kidding. Sort of..
Anyway, Im off to Shanghai for about six days. It should be a good time. The weather has turned cold again here but will be a bit warmer down there. Right after I get back from Shanghai, I have about three days and Im off to Japan to visit a good friend of mine! Aaaaaahhhh! So excited!
I really want to buy a sailboat.
And wear only white linen. And black linen. I can't give up black.
Could you bring a puppy loaf back for me? Please and thank you.