The last of my Japan pics are taking more energy than I feel like devoting to them, so I'm not going to worry about them much now. But here's a short little post with some of my favorite pictures from that section of my Asian Adventures, including a few that I nearly photoshopped to death. Ive kept them aside because I felt they looked weird with all the more normal pics.
Also, I like birds.
(That's also a song by the Eels...which is now stuck in my head. Thanks, self)
This was taken on a walk around Miyakonojo while Quill was at work.
He tells me "well, you can't call me because you don't have a cell phone, and you can't ask anyone for directions because you don't speak Japanese, so if you get lost,'t get lost."
Right. Thanks Quill.

Train tracks.

This is Lake Ikeda, taken on my last full day in Japan, right after Yuko, Quill and I climbed to the top of the volcano in the background.
Then we went to a bathhouse.
Then I died of relaxation.
Fun fact- Ikeda was the name of the Japanese teacher at Pacific University where I did my first two years of college. Its also the name of the lake monster that hypothetically lives here.

On my second to last day we went for a walk somewhere, where I found this bar preventing cars from driving over a pedestrian bridge. But it had these charming fat little birds on it. I was mildly obsessed.

We also went for a bike ride in the last couple of days- Ive always wanted to ride a bike with a basket and a bell, and finally got my wish, in Japan of all places.
Look out! Oversized white people with wheels coming through!

If you read my blog-a. I'm sorry, and b. you've seen this picture before, but its one of my favorites.

Ditto. This is on the coast by the temple in the cave.

Super edit self portrait. Its a little much, I know.

I love this picture. Its not staged at all either.

I posted the non textured, non colorized version of this earlier, but I kinda like it like this. I go back and forth. Life is a perpetual fence for me.

Crazy crows! Excessive amounts of editing! Deal with it!

Less editing, still like the pic. I Lurvs Burds.

And last but not least, is maybe one of my absolute favorites from the trip. Mostly I was really pleased with the editing, because this picture was super boring straight out of the camera.

Anyway, to all you that have been reading this nonsense, you're awesome. All five of you, at the most. I think I'm going to carry on posting pictures and things that I take on a regular basis, since I enjoy it, but Ill write less (like that's possible).
Japan was amazing, as you can probably deduce. I had planned to do another China post to wrap up, but I don't know if I'll get to it. Suffice to say it was one of the great trips of a lifetime-the food stands out in my mind as a particular highlight, and also the incredible general friendliness of the people. China and Japan are pleasantly not at all alike. If you ever get a chance to go check out that part of the world, do it. Or do it again, if you've already been. Eat crazy stuff off of carts. Smile at old women, take pictures of donkeys and bat your eyelashes if old Chinese men yell at you. Arguably, we only get to do this life stuff once, and you might as well have some adventure while you can.
As my good friend Kira says, go big or go home.
See you all soon...
i like you.