I didn't get to see my mamma yesterday...since she's still in China. Miss you, Mom...I can't get you flowers or anything but here's some flower pictures.
Instead of hanging out with my own mother, I spent time with another family, came thisclose to royally embarrassing myself (I have a hunch I still did), played a lot of euchre, and fell in a swamp several times. But we wont talk about that here...
(yes, I really did fall in a swamp. Like three or four times.)
Instead, lets talk about how much I love flowering trees....
mmm...flowering trees....
I took a walk in Nichols Arboretum a few weeks ago with the intention of photographing the trees before all the spring flowers were gone...it was a beautiful day, and they didn't disappoint.

Lots of shades of pink and white...


DVNO...four capital letters printed in gold...
cause details make the girls sweat even more
while they're shaking their belt
no need to ask my name to figure out how cool I am...
just checking to see if you all were paying attention.


I got excited by the glowy green leaves on this aspen and moved on from flowers for a bit...


I really liked the patterns here with the planks and the shadows...

Then I found a tulip tree. I can only imagine what all the joggers thought of me, perched in this tree taking photos...I kept running into the same girl jogging with her dog and I have a theory that she thought I was a creeper following her. But as I tell myself everyday, I'm way too cool to care.
Anyway, the flowers were sort of fading but still quite pretty.

The sort of decaying/old ones were actually really interesting...

In a part of the Arb I rarely go in I found this super cool little water cache in the root crook of three trees...

Ill call this 'self portrait in tree pond'

And more flowers...

Wild violets.

Really neat little sprouts with two sets of leaves on each sprout- different shapes and colors occurring naturally.

I really love this picture- I like the freshness of the colors against the rich leaves.

Anyway, that's it so far. My neighbors in the apartment are cooking something that involves grease and I can smell it...mmm...greaaaassee...
I bought frozen toaster waffles today and just now realized that was pointless since I don't have a toaster. Maybe I can cook them in the cast iron skillet? Wish me luck.
More pictures soon...
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